Thursday, June 4, 2009

They're dropping around me like autumn leaves from a great maple tree

So many clues.
I know who it is.

You know who you are.....and yeah, I'm pretty sure I know who he is.
In fact, I'm a dad who's got his boots on, because he's pretty sure of who the nouveau man is.

Was that enough hint-back?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

the past 20 days

I have been working.

At a job that I don't like.

Making less than is needful to make ends meet.

And finding less time(since I work at night) to see friends.

So my life, has been BLAH>

Not BAD, per se.


One of the worst parts is....

I left my iPod in Idaho Falls(at my parents' house)

So, all night I could be rockin' to my music, but NOOOOOOOOOO

I ain't got no iPod.

Are you feeling bad for me yet?

Didn't think so.

Life could be worse.
I have my health.
I have friends and family who care.

So, I am still pretty grateful.
Things will get better
(I just pray that happens soon)

Next update in....20 days? 40 days? Who knows!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Karma Police

Arrest this man
He talks in maths
he buzzes like a fridge
He's like a detuned radio

Karma Police
arrest this girl
her halo hairdo
is makin' me feel ill
and we have crashed her party

This is what you get
This is what you get
This is what you get
When you mess with us

Karma Police
I've given all I can
It's not enough
I've given all I can
But we're still on the payroll

This is what you get

For a minute
I lost myself
I lost myself

Phew! For a minute
I lost myself!

O continue to give and give! (And employ some of my favorite words!)

Shell smashed, juices flowing
Wings twitch, legs are going
Don't get sentimental
It always ends up drivel

Let down and hanging around
Crushed like a bug in the ground
Let down and hanging around

You know where you are with
Floor collapsing
Floating, bouncing back
Hysterical and useless

Hysterical and... Let down and hanging around
Crushed a bug in the ground
Let down and hanging around

Charity Standing Orders

Fitter, happier,
more productive,
Regular exercise at the gym
3 days a week
Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
at ease
Eating well, no more microwave dinИers and saturated fats
A patient better driver, a safer car
baby smiling in back seat
Sleeping well
no bad dreams
no paraИoia
Careful to all animals
never washing spiders down the plughole
Keep in contact with old frieИds, enjoy a drink now and then
Will frequently check credit at moral bank, hole in wall
Favors for favors, foИd but not in love
Charity staИding orders
on sundays
ring road supermarket
No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants
Car wash, also on sundays
no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows
Иothing so ridiculously teeИage and desperate
nothing so childish
At a better pace
slower and more calculated
no chaИce of escape
Now self-employed, concerned, but powerless
An empowered and informed member of society
pragmatism Иot idealism
Will not cry in public
less chance of illness
tires that grip in the wet
Shot of baby strapped in back seat
a good memory
still cries at a good film
Still kisses with saliva
Иo longer empty and fraИtic
like a cat tied to a stick
Thats driven into frozen wiИter shit
the ability to laugh at weakness
and more productive
a pig
in a cage
on aИtibiotics

A Special Thank You to Radiohead for helping me express this

Friday, January 2, 2009


to Idaho Falls today