Monday, October 27, 2008

I come from the water.....

So it's another Monday and it seems that this is the day that I post new blog entries.


As such, here goes....

I find myself reflecting on the year 2008. A lot has changed for me. I've been through a lot. I've learned a lot about myself. I've progressed. (I've taken steps back as well). Plenty of adversity has presented itself before me.

I've struggled to be happy.

I went through divorce and would ask myself, "When is my life going to start again?" It's been tumultuous at best.

I've found myself returning to the beginning. Aren't all thing cyclical? We go back to the start when we feel lost. We have to orient ourselves anew and recover our bearings.

All of a sudden I was doing things that I'd previously told myself I'd "never do again"
Maybe I shouldn't speak for ALL people, but I've found that there's a tendency to go back to what was comfortable before the relationship, when that relationships ends.

Heck!....I even started listening to music that I hadn't bothered with for years....because it was part of the nostalgia and effort to bring myself back to another time(before her)

Despite this tendency, and indulgence, I realized something about myself.......I don't want to be who I was before. I can better ...I should be more.

This isn't an easy mandate to follow.
How am I going to get there? (God will help me)
It's a mystery. (I gotta have faith)

I don't really see what the future holds, but I know I am trying to form I better make it good.

One thing's for sure as I ponder 2008(so far)......It's been a wild ride!!!!

I don't know that I'd do it this way over again....but I'm happy to be where I am.
current problems and all.

Suffice it to say; I smile more than I have in a long time.
That sums it up pretty well, I think.


Happy image

1 comment:

Jennifer P. said...

You're killin' me Smalls :)....

(isn't that how you say it?!)

You know I'll forever be your cheerleader. "It's never too late to be who you might have been"...

Hang in there and fight the good fight!!!