Thursday, September 18, 2008




....AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2008


in other news, what is currently happening in the news, the stock market is taking a nose dive. While the price of a barrel of light sweet crude has dropped from $160 to $91, the economy in the USA is crummy crummy crummy. AIG was just bailed out by the US gov't(i have a policy with them). A couple big banks are in trouble or have already filed for bankruptcy protection. The election is heating up. Who will it be? Obama vs. McCain?

In less than two months it will be common knowledge and widely accepted who the President-elect of the USA is. But right now, I am scratching my head. I know who I will vote for, who I'd like to grant VICTORY to.........but we shall see! Won't we?

What else? General Petraeus was just replaced as commanding officer in Iraq.

Hmmmm. I was supposed to go jogging today but I am being a slacker and have not gone. It's too late now.
The days are getting shorter.

The Office, season 5 begins in about a week....and I am planning to see Season 4, on DVD by then.

Well that's about all for now. Until next time.
;ilr ,urtd

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

OK, a second successive post..........I just wanted to experiment with colors, fonts, and so on.

I have a friend with a blog. She's pretty talented.

She's amazing! But she might hate hearing that(or reading it here)

You know who u are!!!!

And don't give me that face(ABOVE)

I don't know how to position this photo correctly.

Ah well, I'm still learning.

For now, toodles, cheers, goodbye, so long, ciao, and nighty night.


The beginning.

I know not what I have just begun.

But it goes that way sometimes. Life doesn't change much. We change. We adapt. We overcome and learn to master what is around us. The nature of things is usually static.

It takes that DYNAMIC individual to really conquer it all!

Ok, it's just a blog.....

That's the warrior poet in me bursting through like an Alien, planted into the heart of a Hurt.

I apologise.

So.......the beginning (and I'm sure we'll experience some flashbacks from time to time), is this:

I am divorced.
35 years old.
Devastatingly handsome!
Enjoy sarcasm.
I am a father to 4 great kids
3 boys and a girl
My daughter is the youngest and she is my princess.
My boys all have great personalities are a complete joy to have around also.
I love my children very much.
Currently I am unemployed and have a few job prospects that should be working themselves out in the next couple days.
*crossing my fingers!*
I have a home on the market here in Boise, Idaho....any takers?
The market stinks right now.
I enjoy politics, but I think I'll refrain from getting on my soap box for now.
I believe in God. Jesus Christ is my Savior.
I've made mistakes in my life, as we all have. I try to do what's right.

What else?
Well I'm sure I'll think of something.

Oh, and my name is Luke.