Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Glory to God.
Jesus Christ is our Savior.
The Great Redeemer of mankind.

This is truly a time of "good tidings of great joy"
Peace and goodwill towards men.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Going to Idaho Falls

Monday, December 1, 2008

my mind wanders far these days....

"this sun is a star in someone else's sky
this moon surely makes someone else cry"

I don't know what that all means, but it has a sort of cosmic sense to it.
Maybe it's just the mood I am in.

Yeah, it's probably the latter.

about Nine Inch Nails
The concert is 1 week from today.
I don't have a ticket, but I'd love to say "Thrice have I seen NIИ!"
I don't think I have the dough to go :(
Oh well...
I guess there are worse things in life(as I'm sure SOMEONE will affirm)

I've been thinking a lot about going to school lately.
Maybe that will straighten out my head.
Perhaps I should be an English Teacher or a Linguistics Professor!?!?!?
I've been told that I would do great at such endeavors, but I have to wonder if that's the nice way of friends saying, "You're an insufferable and condescending prick. Stop correcting my grammar!"

I love 'em anyway - those crazy friends - - bad grammar and all!

Does anybody else make the ongoing effort to better his/her grammar? Does this matter to anybody but me?

You're not expected to answer that. Some of you aren't SUPPOSED to answer. HA!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

pensando en ti

hasta que me olvides
y me rompa en mil pedazos
continuar mi gran teatro
hasta que me olvides

Monday, November 24, 2008

listening to some music.

With the light coming in
My desire to give in runs away with me
If I'm not good enough and my love is too much
Then forget it
Now I am strong carry me home
You can take it or leave it
God help me but forgive my true intention
It hurts me but I've nowhere left to run
All this time still falling out of love


are they reaching for each other, or slipping away?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What have I been up to?

Since I last posted, a lot has happened.
I'm just now realizing this and decided that it's time to post anew.

And it came to pass(in the past 2 weeks)
1. I cavorted with a group of my friends.
2. Pay-day came and went.
3. Obamanation began. I'm not very happy about that one.
4. A girl and I sang an old song together...One we both knew from an obscure musical.
5. I lost a friend.....because she decided that I am no good.
6. I had a few moments of having my pants half-off in a woman's bedroom.
7. Work had me down for the first time. I recovered.
8. I was invited to enjoy an evening at a strip club.
9. I declined to attend a strip club.
10. I received a letter from my mother. Those are always nice.
11. I kissed a girl. Those are always nice too!
12. I fasted for a 24 hour period.
13. Became a fledgling fan of all things Morrissey, (I know, it's about time)
14. Voted.
15. I was told by someone that this someone loved me; (as a friend-maybe more)
16. Drank some near beer. O'Douhl's Rules!
17. Was called Mr. Rodgers at work for my choice of conservative attire.
18. Used my webcam.
19. Had my children tell me funny stories.

Well, I can't think of anything else right now. But that was quite a lot, don't you think?

The divorced life has it's roller coaster moments.
I'm rolling with the punches......and not pulling any along the way either.

Till next time...ciao!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I come from the water.....

So it's another Monday and it seems that this is the day that I post new blog entries.


As such, here goes....

I find myself reflecting on the year 2008. A lot has changed for me. I've been through a lot. I've learned a lot about myself. I've progressed. (I've taken steps back as well). Plenty of adversity has presented itself before me.

I've struggled to be happy.

I went through divorce and would ask myself, "When is my life going to start again?" It's been tumultuous at best.

I've found myself returning to the beginning. Aren't all thing cyclical? We go back to the start when we feel lost. We have to orient ourselves anew and recover our bearings.

All of a sudden I was doing things that I'd previously told myself I'd "never do again"
Maybe I shouldn't speak for ALL people, but I've found that there's a tendency to go back to what was comfortable before the relationship, when that relationships ends.

Heck!....I even started listening to music that I hadn't bothered with for years....because it was part of the nostalgia and effort to bring myself back to another time(before her)

Despite this tendency, and indulgence, I realized something about myself.......I don't want to be who I was before. I can better ...I should be more.

This isn't an easy mandate to follow.
How am I going to get there? (God will help me)
It's a mystery. (I gotta have faith)

I don't really see what the future holds, but I know I am trying to form I better make it good.

One thing's for sure as I ponder 2008(so far)......It's been a wild ride!!!!

I don't know that I'd do it this way over again....but I'm happy to be where I am.
current problems and all.

Suffice it to say; I smile more than I have in a long time.
That sums it up pretty well, I think.


Happy image

Monday, October 20, 2008

over the weekend

I had the pleasure of seeing my children and spending some time with them.
Lately, I will admit that I have not been as good a dad as I could be.
I made it a point to really spend time with my kids having fun.
I've redoubled my efforts and focus on actual parenting.
(i know! what a concept!!!!!)

Sam(11) and I had fun playing battleship together.
Jonah(5) assisted his big brother in the efforts to blow me out of the water!!!!

Michael made paper airplanes and I helped the other kids to make some.
They made up all kinds of games for plane flying competitions. It was fun to participate and just see these kids flying around the room(as well as flying their paper airplanes around)

We went to the library
(Yeah, I know....not my thing...)
My kids were ecstatic to get a few books and have dad read to them.

I put a particular book on hold(they were all checked out at the time) that I'd like to read to my children. My mom read the book to me when I was a wee lad. Now I'd like to do so for my kids. Comment and I'll tell you what book it was.
(do I sound desperate for comments? Hmm.... Maybe I am)
We listened to some family favorite rock and roll(queen) "We will rock you" and "Another one bites the dust". That's all it took for my daughter Libby who was very intent on dancing with me....So we had a daddy/daughter dance.

All in all, it was fun fun fun.
I lost focus as a parent for a while.
I'm not perfect.....but my kids are perfectly wonderful!
I love my kids.

Remember to hug yours
Tell them how much you love them.....and that you think they're pretty special!
(they are!!!!)


Monday, October 13, 2008

What I crave....

The holidays are upon us.
Then New Year's Day

For right now, I have a singular focus....
I must have something in particular

Pumpkin bars!
and not just ANY pumpkin bars......frosted pumpkin bars!!!!!!

Yes, there is always the option of SCOURING the internet to find the best recipe....trial and error.

But I prefer to use my blog to go fetch this information for me.
If you're reading this blog and you'd like to offer your FAVORITE pumpkin bar recipe(complete with frosting instructions) I'd love to try it.

Happy October to you!


Monday, October 6, 2008


I ATTEMPTED a post previously that dealt with this a little embarrassed and removed it.

I'm back with it.

Here it is.
Putting my best foot forward
(well, technically not MY foot, but a pretty one nonetheless)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

random lyric
"The only thing
I've seen that's cool in my life
is a mom who loves a child and
a man who loves his wife"

Thank you, O powerful and gracious Jennifer P

Wednesday, October 1, 2008



It's been a few days since I've posted, but that's OK.
(who's really reading this except for me anyway????)
*snickering at myself*

Since I last decided to post my thoughts on the blog, I have started a new job.

Ah yes....employed!

Fact#1: For 2008 I have worked a total of 5 weeks now.
Scary, huh?

Fact#2: Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica!

ok ok ok, fact#2 was Jim Halpert mocking Dwight Schrute, I admit.

But on a serious note:

I went thru divorce in March '08.
Had some savings to live on....
took a break from it all(the rat-race of working)
went into a little bit of debt(nothing to cry about though)


the economy crashed ...
...but not before I had experienced a complete emotional meltdown as I saw everything that was "my life" spiral out of control and unravel before my disbelieving eyes.

Divorce does this to you!
(believe it!)
Word to the wise, whatever it takes to save your marriage, it's is worth it.
It's worth it by a long-shot!

I've broken on through to the other side and am picking up the pieces.

Full time employment was something I probably couldn't do just a few months ago


I am back. And not a moment too soon. I need the paycheck...I need the discipline.
And the best part is.....
I think I will really enjoy the new job.

so what exactly is the job?, you ask -

I'll save that for next blog post.
(insert devilish laugh here)

Thursday, September 18, 2008




....AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2008


in other news, what is currently happening in the news, the stock market is taking a nose dive. While the price of a barrel of light sweet crude has dropped from $160 to $91, the economy in the USA is crummy crummy crummy. AIG was just bailed out by the US gov't(i have a policy with them). A couple big banks are in trouble or have already filed for bankruptcy protection. The election is heating up. Who will it be? Obama vs. McCain?

In less than two months it will be common knowledge and widely accepted who the President-elect of the USA is. But right now, I am scratching my head. I know who I will vote for, who I'd like to grant VICTORY to.........but we shall see! Won't we?

What else? General Petraeus was just replaced as commanding officer in Iraq.

Hmmmm. I was supposed to go jogging today but I am being a slacker and have not gone. It's too late now.
The days are getting shorter.

The Office, season 5 begins in about a week....and I am planning to see Season 4, on DVD by then.

Well that's about all for now. Until next time.
;ilr ,urtd

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

OK, a second successive post..........I just wanted to experiment with colors, fonts, and so on.

I have a friend with a blog. She's pretty talented.

She's amazing! But she might hate hearing that(or reading it here)

You know who u are!!!!

And don't give me that face(ABOVE)

I don't know how to position this photo correctly.

Ah well, I'm still learning.

For now, toodles, cheers, goodbye, so long, ciao, and nighty night.


The beginning.

I know not what I have just begun.

But it goes that way sometimes. Life doesn't change much. We change. We adapt. We overcome and learn to master what is around us. The nature of things is usually static.

It takes that DYNAMIC individual to really conquer it all!

Ok, it's just a blog.....

That's the warrior poet in me bursting through like an Alien, planted into the heart of a Hurt.

I apologise.

So.......the beginning (and I'm sure we'll experience some flashbacks from time to time), is this:

I am divorced.
35 years old.
Devastatingly handsome!
Enjoy sarcasm.
I am a father to 4 great kids
3 boys and a girl
My daughter is the youngest and she is my princess.
My boys all have great personalities are a complete joy to have around also.
I love my children very much.
Currently I am unemployed and have a few job prospects that should be working themselves out in the next couple days.
*crossing my fingers!*
I have a home on the market here in Boise, Idaho....any takers?
The market stinks right now.
I enjoy politics, but I think I'll refrain from getting on my soap box for now.
I believe in God. Jesus Christ is my Savior.
I've made mistakes in my life, as we all have. I try to do what's right.

What else?
Well I'm sure I'll think of something.

Oh, and my name is Luke.