Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The beginning.

I know not what I have just begun.

But it goes that way sometimes. Life doesn't change much. We change. We adapt. We overcome and learn to master what is around us. The nature of things is usually static.

It takes that DYNAMIC individual to really conquer it all!

Ok, it's just a blog.....

That's the warrior poet in me bursting through like an Alien, planted into the heart of a Hurt.

I apologise.

So.......the beginning (and I'm sure we'll experience some flashbacks from time to time), is this:

I am divorced.
35 years old.
Devastatingly handsome!
Enjoy sarcasm.
I am a father to 4 great kids
3 boys and a girl
My daughter is the youngest and she is my princess.
My boys all have great personalities are a complete joy to have around also.
I love my children very much.
Currently I am unemployed and have a few job prospects that should be working themselves out in the next couple days.
*crossing my fingers!*
I have a home on the market here in Boise, Idaho....any takers?
The market stinks right now.
I enjoy politics, but I think I'll refrain from getting on my soap box for now.
I believe in God. Jesus Christ is my Savior.
I've made mistakes in my life, as we all have. I try to do what's right.

What else?
Well I'm sure I'll think of something.

Oh, and my name is Luke.

1 comment:

Jennifer P. said...

Rule #1--never,ever,ever give away both your name and where you live. Do you want the crazies to come and get your children?! :) I, of course, have broken both these rules because I didn't know them when I needed to.

Seriously though--how cute are you to set this all up? It's like crack I tell ya though! You'll never get off the blog stuff once you've gotten a good taste of it. (that's what she said).